Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Post 0

it went like this:
the buildings tumbled in on themselves
mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble
and pulled out their hair

the skyline was beautiful on fire
all twisted metal stretching upwards
everything washed in a thin orange haze

i said: "kiss me, you're beautiful -
these are truly the last days"

you grabbed my hand and we fell into it
like a daydream or a fever 


Evening all.

Yesterday evening I started reading Mitchell Waldrop's 'Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos'  ( Indeed, it looks like it will be a very interesting book, probably worthy of another post some point soon.  Without wanting to go into it to much, it tells the tale of a new discipline in science to do with complex systems, which include all kinds of disparate systems such as stock markets, anthropology, cellular biology, and cosmology.  Indeed, the part I read last night was setting the scene for the rest of the book, mainly by giving an introduction to the main protaganists - that is, the brilliant scientists who came up with such novel ideas and went about aggressively pursuing their passions to attain funding, interest and scientific credibility.  

Now, as a bit of background, I'm currently doing a PhD in Plasma Physics - that is, training to become a scientist.  I've come to the realisation that no matter how hard I try, I will never be as brilliant and able to achieve as much as those at the top of my field - my brain just isn't built the right way.  This is not something to be ashamed of, just a fact of life.  We are certainly not 'all created equal', at least, not in a biological way.  However, even though I know my limitations, I don't believe this should dissuade me from trying to achieve as much as I can mentally - that is, to continue to push back the boundaries of my own mind.

Anyway, to get back to the subject at hand, reading about someone who basically thought up a new brand of science just via observation and his own brilliance made me think more about the way I go through life.  Indeed, I've spend the last 26 years of my life essentially acting as a sponge for information - continually learning things from where ever I could.  However, these steps forward in understanding are not something that are taught - they are created.  If everyone only ever learnt what everyone else already knows, no one's understanding would ever develop.  Now, there are still a near infinite number of things I think I can learn from others, but I thought it was time to start trying to create something for myself.  What do I mean by create?  Well, in some ways I guess my job as a scientist is to 'create', or at least 'illuminate' new science.  However, as well as science I hold a great interest in a number of areas, such as philosophy, anthropology and technology.  I'd really like to start trying to develop my thoughts.  Currently I do a lot of thinking, but fail to commit any of it to paper (or e-paper) - if nothing else, it will prove interesting in future times to look back and see how my thoughts developed.  I guess a blog seems like a pretty sad place to start 'creation', but things must start somewhere!

In any case, to summarise, I hope to ramble on about a number of subjects here, most of which I have no particular deep knowledge or formal background in.  The goal is to develop and track ideas and thoughts that I have, and gain some skill in trying to write down the thoughts that float around in my head.  I will also be posting quotes, poems, lyrics and any other bits of text that interest me, mainly so I can keep track of them.   The bit above, by the way, is a section of the opening monologue from Godspeed You! Black Emperor's 'Dead Flag Blues'.

Well, that's all for now!

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